Cantemus DCH


You can currently enjoy one of the following concerts:

Prince of secrets - The mysterious life of Gesualdo

dramatised musical biographical performance

16 October 1590 As the sun slowly sets over Naples, the composer Carlo Gesualdo, born into a princely family, sets out with his assistants to carry out his macabre plan. By dawn the next day, two men are dead. Donna Maria d'Avalos, Gesualdo's young and beautiful wife, and her lover, the handsome Fabrizio Caraffa, lie frozen in blood in the Ducal Palace. But what happened that night?

The fourth performance of the Cantemus Choir of Nyíregyháza takes the audience into this tragic story and its aftermath through the poignant works of the murdering composer Gesualdo.

This extraordinary evening masterfully combines the prose of the National Theatre with the drama of late Renaissance choral music.

Performed by

  • - Cantemus Mixed Choir
  • Actors of the National Theatre: Kinga Katona, Péter Herczegh, Ádám Schnell, Ödön Rubold

Directed by:

  • Szabó Soma Liszt Prize-winning conductor
  • Szabó Sebestyén László Junior Prima Prize-winning actor

Works performed at the evening:

Gesualdo: S’io non miro
Palestrina: Jesu Rex
Cardoso: Requiem
Gesualdo: Posuerunt me
Gesualdo: Ma tu cagion
Palestrina: Pueri hebraeorum
Gesualdo: Occhi, del mio cor vita
Gesualdo: O vos omnes
Gesualdo: Ave dulcissima Maria
Certon: La, la, la je ne lose dire
Gesualdo: Sospirava
Tallis: Miserere nostri
Gesualdo: Peccantem me
Gesualdo: Tenebrae factae sunt
Gesualdo: Tristis est anima mea

conducted by Soma Szabó

Cantemus Christmas '21

"No Christmas without Cantemus" – Szabó Dénes

Ceremonial Christmas concert of the Cantemus Choral Institute from the Kodály Hall!



Gyöngyös Levente: Beatus vir

Orbán György: O gloriosa

Gyöngyösi Levente: Laudate Dominum

Gustav Holst: Ave Maria

Philip Lawson: Down in the river

Brian Kay: Gaudete

Carl Davis: Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow

Billy Joel: Lullaby (Good night)

Kocsár Miklós: Karácsonyi dalok

Benjamin Britten: This little babe

Philip Lawson: Lullaby (Lullay my liking)

John Rutter: Carol of the Magi

Eric Whitacre: Sleep

Szabó Soma: Ó jöjjetek hívek 

John Rutter: Candlelight


Performed by
- Cantemus Children Choir
- Cantemus Boy's choir
- Pro Musica Girls' Choir
- Cantemus Youth Mixed Choir
- Cantemus Mixed Choir

Conducted by : Denes Szabo, Soma Szabo

Photo: Tibor Racskó

"All renewed, still with our old faith"” – Cantemus choir pass '21 / 22 season

Performed by
- Cantemus Children Choir
- Cantemus Boy's choir
- Pro Musica Girls' Choir
- Cantemus Youth Mixed Choir
- Cantemus Mixed Choir

Conducted by : Denes Szabo, Soma Szabo

YouTube player

"Towards the Light" - Cantemus choir pass '21/'22 season

A Hymn to the Creator of Light, valamint a Gloria a Szabolcsi Szimfonikus Zenekar kíséretében szólalnak meg. A zenekar Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye legjelentősebb komolyzenei hangszeres együttese. Több, mint 60 éves fennállásuk óta jelentős karmesterek vezetésével adtak hangversenyeket, valamint neves vendégművészeket kísértek.
2009 óta működnek együtt Szabó Soma Liszt-díjas karnaggyal, aki az utóbbi években hangversenyeiknek egyre több alkalommal karmestere.

J.S. Bach: János-passió (BWV245)

Performed by:

Conducted bySOMA SZABO

Cantemus Choral Institute - Cantemus Mixed Choir
Ars Longa chamber orchestra
Continuo – Dinyés Soma


Mészáros Péter – evangélista
Cser Péter – Pilátus, basszus
Tomas Selc – Jézus, basszus
Szili Gabriella – szoprán
Gavodi Zoltán – kontratenor
Horváth István – tenor
